Monday, January 26, 2009

You forgot to give me my candy!

This year the Valiants are studying the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. Our class is in the middle of the Joseph Smith History. To help them better understand the idea that Joseph had to wait 4 years to retrieve the plates. . . I covered candy bars in gold wrapping, and wrote on them "My Chocolate Golden Plate" with a reference to JSH.. . .I was smart enough to put them into a clear container and then tape it shut. . . and I say smart because through out the lesson children kept trying to get at the candy. They will need to wait several more lessons, or until Joseph is to retrieve the plate (Lesson 6) before they can. Just like Joseph had to visit with Moroni and be interviewed and trained, the children also must prepare by completing a few challenges on their own. They must memorize an article of faith, write a few sentences and fill in a few blanks in their activity book. (We have give each child a marble notebook and include handouts inside them for each lesson.) After the lesson was over, the prayer was said and it was time for us to go down to singing time. . . several of the children (I guess they weren't listening) came running back to remind me "Sister Moenoa, you forgot to give me my candy". . .oh well I hope they earn them in a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey if you want... I'll hold the chocolate golden bars for your class! :) You may only get wrappers back.. but I will keep an eye on every single piece that enters my mouth!

    Fun idea... and thanks for the singing idea... I think i'll use it at the end of February, once they learn their new song!
